Web Applications in Bournemouth & Front End Development in Bournemouth

Celebrating 15 years of design and development

Archive for May 2010

Using the png image format in modern web design

Friday, May 28th, 2010

The support that new browsers offer Front End Developers these days allows us to build more visually appealing web sites. Every modern browser from the much revered Firefox 3 through to IE (nuff said) 7 support the use of the .png. More specifically, modern browsers support the alpha channel of .png’s. This is the part […]

Sticky Bits

Friday, May 28th, 2010

This is a fun, interesting and novel way of attaching digital content to real live objects. You can attach all sorts of digital content to barcodes. Take a look and see for yourself. http://www.stickybits.com/

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