Web Applications in Bournemouth & Front End Development in Bournemouth

Celebrating 15 years of design and development

Cool Stuff Category

Super A

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Some great sculptures and paintings from the Netherlands. Take a look for yourself over at Super A.

Sticky Bits

Friday, May 28th, 2010

This is a fun, interesting and novel way of attaching digital content to real live objects. You can attach all sorts of digital content to barcodes. Take a look and see for yourself. http://www.stickybits.com/

Alyssa Monks

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Amazing photorealistic paintings from Alyssa Monks. Enough said! http://alyssamonks.com/index.asp

Car Sharing Posters

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Around the world, local and national governments have long used information posters as a key way to get road users to do everything from improve their driving habits to reduce their petrol consumption. See this and other posters over at motoring-history.com and join National CarShare now!

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0800 180 4566